Children In Need of Services/Families In Need of Services (CINS/FINS)
The Florida Legislature passed a law (Chapter 984, F.S.) that provides help to Children In Need of Services (CINS) and Families in Need of Services (FINS). These programs are open to children ages 6-17 years old and their families. The Florida Department of Juvenile Justice (DJJ) funds and supports these counseling programs to keep kids out of serious trouble. Young people who are runaways, habitually truant, ungovernable, or homeless – and their families – can receive free services to improve their behaviors, resolve conflicts effectively, and start communicating again. CINS/FINS programs are in your area and your local agency will walk you through the options that best fit your needs.
A youth may be referred to nonresidential counseling or a short-term residential counseling stay at one of our programs depending on the need of your family. Your counselor will work with you, your child, and others to develop a plan that fits you and your child’s needs and goals.
Residential Services
24-Hour Emergency Youth Shelter
Arnette House provides Emergency Shelter services for youth ages 10 – 17 who are runaways, lock-outs, abandoned, homeless, truant, or experiencing parent/child conflict. The Emergency Shelter provides basic living needs for up to 20 clients with additional emergency beds. We serve approximately 360 children each year.
- A safe haven for eligible kids, 24 hours a day, seven days a week
- Structured daily living programs employing positive behavior modification techniques
- Behavioral counseling
- Life skills groups to promote responsibility and independence
- Substance abuse prevention services
- Family reunification services and case management
- Activities such as arts, crafts, and music to promote positive youth development
- Health care coordination services to ensure access to medical treatment
- Outdoor recreational program including a Challenge Course

Domestic Violence and Juvenile Probation Respite
These Department of Juvenile Justice Programs are an alternative to secure detention. Parents can choose to have their child receive services in the Emergency Shelter in lieu of secure detention, providing the family with counseling needed to alleviate violence in the home.
Boys and Girls Group Homes
Arnette House owns and operates two foster group homes for youth ages 12-17. These group homes offer a stable and supportive living environment beyond providing basic necessities like food and shelter. Our compassionate staff is committed to teaching essential life skills to foster self-reliance in the youth to assist in the goal of becoming independent before turning 18 and leaving Foster Care.
Non-Residential Services

Community Counseling
Master’s Level Counselors provide counseling both on and off our main campus to help youth ages 6-17 and their families resolve crisis situations and stay together. This may include opening lines of communication, teaching effective conflict resolution skills, or reducing high-risk behaviors.
SNAP® – Stop Now and Plan Program

The Stop Now And Plan (SNAP®) Program serves as a “front-end” resource to the Department of Juvenile Justice Office of Prevention, for at-risk youth ages 6-11 and their families.
Each SNAP® program provides high-risk youth and their families strategies to increase pro-social skills that will help the youth stay in school and out of trouble by making better choices throughout the 13-week program. Youth and their families participate in engaging activities such as group discussions, role-playing, interactive games and self-reflection to address topics including dealing with anger, learning how to cope and practice self-control, engaging in problem solving and learning not to bully and how to prevent bullying.